Sunday, August 31, 2014

Color me Cat

The first thing that you will notice is that this package contains one item named:
    [Black Tulip] Color me Cat - LINKED SET

and then, the eight objects that compose it, unlinked:
    [Black Tulip] Color me Cat - Apple Table
    [Black Tulip] Color me Cat - Magazines Stack
    [Black Tulip] Color me Cat - Wiggly Lamp
    [Black Tulip] Color me Cat - Paws Painting
    [Black Tulip] Color me Cat - Flower Lamp
    [Black Tulip] Color me Cat - Symmetry Not armchair
    [Black Tulip] Color me Cat - Cat Shelf
    [Black Tulip] Color me Cat - Rug

Why this?

The separate objects, clearly, so you can rez them at will, as many copies as you need, wherever you want.

The linked object presents a couple of advantages over separate items, if you want to have the full set rezzed:

  • The LI of the linked set is 5. This is 3 less than if you rez each piece, separately.
  • The linked set uses two scripts instead of three.
    Server-wise, the linked set is using less resources, for the TWO lamps are controlled by the same script.
    In other words, the linked set provokes less server side lag.
  • The rug in the linked set has shadows baked, to conform to the items sitting on it.

The armchair uses AVsitter for the poses. Click to get a menu to change pose, or the [ADJUST] menu to adjust poses.


If you're using the unlinked lamps, click on their base to get a menu. This allows you to change global settings. Then, if you click the little flowers or the wiggly side, you will see that the glow goes on/off.

The global settings allow you to also have the lamp working as a SL light point. You will need to activate the glow of all flowers/wiggly side at the same time, using Light Cycle. When this is on, you can turn on/off the light point separately. Also, you continue being able of turning each individual glow on/off, by clicking on the flowers/wiggly side.

If you're using the linked set, click on the rug for the main menu, or click the flowers/wiggly sides as indicated above. The lights menu does not interfere with AVsitter: they show independently.

IMPORTANT: This set is MESH. This means that scaling UP the objects, could make for the LI to raise. Make sure you have enough LI available before attempting to resize up.


For advanced use of AVsitter, please, visit their website:
It uses the version 1 of AVsitter for it's less resources demanding than AVistter 2, in the case of one avatar.
Specific AVsitter 1 documentation can be found here:

If you would like to modify the lamps configuration, the documentation is here:
Make sure the lamps are off before trying out any new setting!

If you want to use the linked set, but have some objects in separated places, this is what you have to do:

  • Rez the linked set and right click to Edit
  • Tick "Edit Linked" on the Edit Window
  • Click on the object you want to move/scale/rotate
  • Use the building controls to perform said operation

If you are going to modify the items, remember to keep always an ORIGINAL in your inventory!

All this set is copy. Modify as you will, keeping an original, in case you make a mistake: You will always have the original to rez a fresh copy and start again.

You will see that, in inventory, some of the items show as copy/no modify/no transfer. But if you rez the item, you will see that the prims are copy/modify/no transfer. The reason why you see something different in your inventory, is because of the scripts, animations and sound samples contained, which are all copy/no modify/no transfer.

This does not affect at all your ability to modify the prims: resize, tint, add more scripts, rename them (inworld)... It's just how permissions work in SL.

I hope you will enjoy this set as much as I've done creating it :-)

-- Auryn Beorn (Black Tulip)